Argentina Resorts

When the snow is gone in the north the Andes Mountain Range in Argentina provides more powder for snow sports. The ski season on average runs from June through to October. The country has about fourteen ski resorts across the Andes with three major ski regions... Mendoza, the Lakes District and Patagonia, and Ushuaia to the south.
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Showing all 2 resorts
Resort Name Vertical Runs Lifts Acres Snow %Open
101 Bariloche
3512 34 39 600
102 Las Lenas
3937 30 14 43243
103 Catedral Alta Patagonia
0 0 0 0
104 Caviahue
1345 14 9 1494
105 Cerro Bayo
2402 25 16 0
106 Cerro Castor
2625 26 10 1483
107 Chapelco Ski Resort
2363 30 12 3953
Legend = Large Resort = Small Resort